
Girls drawn and colored by Ryoumu, girl on the right colored by SerenityBug. Awesome Ninja by iPwnz. Purple demon/fairy by Lamamo. The old man with the flowers by Just-Joe

  • Gloomi  (29901 strokes)
  • iPwnz  (23003 strokes)
  • lamamo  (17640 strokes)
  • l0thMuse  (16714 strokes)
  • Chikorita  (11105 strokes)
  • iToy  (4378 strokes)
  • Just-Joe  (2243 strokes)
  • Lina  (1626 strokes)
  • dawson  (1272 strokes)
  • Icesane  (1269 strokes)
  • sushi  (1061 strokes)
  • joeymrx1  (1001 strokes)
  • kemalturkey  (341 strokes)
  • Andy  (155 strokes)
  • equineqt17  (71 strokes)
  • Caandy  (15 strokes)
  • Vinily  (2 strokes)
  • tyb  (1 strokes)