Lost in the Spectrum of the Unknown
Roxas ran to the top of the grassy hill dragging his one and only Axel by the wrist “C’mon we’re going to miss it~” Roxas complained, giving his trademark pout. “Hey it’s not my fault someone wanted to stop for ice cream!” Axel snapped back. Roxas stuck his tongue out at Axel in response. Axel laughed and rushed along with the impatient blond to the top. As the small, dull peak of the hill came into view, Roxas sprinted to the top and plopped his bottom onto the pure green grass, leaving Axel to catch up. “See we didn’t miss it!” Axel stated wiping off the sweat from his forehead and grinding a knuckle into Roxas’ golden strands with a grin. “Hey! Stop that!” Roxas laughed, playfully thrashing his hands about. When Axel had just about enough of torturing his little friend, he sat down along side with him. A moment of Nature’s beautiful silence filled the moment before interrupted by Axel. He wrapped an arm around Roxas breathed out, “Beautiful isn’t it?” Roxas nodded in agreement, too caught up with the sharp chirps of the crows in the sky and the gentle howl of the breeze to come up with a response. The two of them sat there quietly in the large field, which in reality is so miniscule, that it is hardly existent in a world far greater than could be imagined. Yet the queer thing is that despite the world’s massive size, its smallest creatures have the greatest impact on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ comments and ratings are much appreciated ^^ but no flaming plz >.< ------------------------- Axel and Roxas © Kingdom Hearts & Square Enix
- FireWolf (195963 strokes)