..:Twilight SL Dustriya:..
Shinsei named her Dustriya, because... well.. just look at her! I did the lineart, and Shinsei helped big time with shading~<333 I love how this came out, best one so far I think~ Many Thanks to ShinseiSeraph on this as well~
- Shinuhime (59313 strokes)
- DivineSeraph (40547 strokes)
- temarigirl12 (13382 strokes)
- ligersclaws (9737 strokes)
- Stormcannon1 (6895 strokes)
- Scy (4588 strokes)
- Ri-Baka (4444 strokes)
- Taurus (1226 strokes)
- Juuhenkei (535 strokes)
- JasperLover (357 strokes)
- DOOMMAN98 (51 strokes)
- TwistedOne (2 strokes)
- LuckyDraco (1 strokes)