
I thought it was about time this got published. It's been through a load of BG changes + was negleted for a while when i was unable to get on Iscribble, but here it is, i think im going to add more to it but im going to work on something else for abit + then come back to this. Comments + rates would be appreciated thanks XD

  • Alzki101  (612420 strokes)
  • Carzaa  (153214 strokes)
  • SecretPerson  (16678 strokes)
  • Sorchia  (12953 strokes)
  • Tashaxoxo  (9482 strokes)
  • Christina101  (8308 strokes)
  • siegednation  (4972 strokes)
  • chailoe  (4972 strokes)
  • mowforth  (399 strokes)