Cuteness overload
All drawn by Gini (GiniXD), Shanni (iBannii), helped me with the coloring of Sky (OC of FireFoxGirl, see left bottem corner for the blue fox character), even through it wasn't much. Rest are Gini's OCs, going in the order of left to right, Jester (blue eyes), Chiqo (the one squeling), Kira (the one dressed in dark red), Kiri (the one with the hazel colored eyes), Ginaru (the pet on top of Kiri) and Gini (the one dressed in blue on the right). And in some miracily way, Ali (FireFoxGirl) seemed to have helped too.. but i don't know how xD
- GiniXD (320640 strokes)
- iBannii (19099 strokes)
- FireFoxGirl (1731 strokes)
- MorgainNeko (454 strokes)