SakaSak's Sacrelicious Sacrificial Chickens
Claire is 100% responsible for this picture. I swear! *Claire ==> no way! Morbid drew everything i couldnt do anything to stop him!* Lies! Claire did it all! I tried to tell her to stop but she just wouldn't listen! :( *Don t believe this Emo! He is crying because nobody loves he* See! Look at that remark, that is the remark of an evil person who would draw such a villainous depiction of SakaSaks! It's all Claire's doing! *u_u he hates me, i m a poor and innocent girl! he is the devil T_T* Don't believe her! She beat me unconscious and put the pen in my hand and made me draw on this pic! :( She will stop at nothing to further her evil ways! Run, people! Run away fast!! Claire is coming to get you! Ruuuuun!!! :O hmm see, he wants that everybody hates me! but i forgive you, mordid, one day you will tell the truth about this drawing... that s not your fault if you are mentally deficient... i m always with you :3 Claire is just in denial. She feels so ashamed about what she has done that she is just trying to pass the blame on to me. It's ok Claire, nobody thinks badly of you. We understand that you have "issues." I mean we all do. Not as bad as yours, but still. :) *i m so saaaad, now everybody hates me... thx a lot morbid, your devil plan worked..., thx satanas* It is you who weaves 'devil plans'! Don't believe her people, she only seeks to gain your sympathy so she can lure you into her evil plot! Morbid is the evilest people on iscribble and he tries to make me evil too Claire is the one trying to make Morbid evil! Claire is the only person diabolical enough to render such perverse imagery! Don't give in to her deceptive ways!
- MorbidChylde (16938 strokes)
- claire (13278 strokes)
- kiksq (8 strokes)