Pixels of... meh

yeah i pixeled the top pokemon people for my first time. im so proud. and other people made their other stuff. it is very unfinished and empty.

  • Ume  (64075 strokes)
  • Fire-Heart  (61735 strokes)
  • iamcool32  (19607 strokes)
  • dontchaseme  (18041 strokes)
  • yannis  (12213 strokes)
  • yumeisamurai  (11846 strokes)
  • Luffy  (2797 strokes)
  • goldteon  (1408 strokes)
  • Soryko  (1276 strokes)
  • HeSaysHi  (871 strokes)
  • lolzer  (26 strokes)