Apples to Evil Pikachus...What will you draw?

People decided to draw all kinds of things. Manga, Mythical creatures, apples, and even killer Pikachus take residence in this colab! O_o

  • Snowy  (15935 strokes)
  • Saigan  (14889 strokes)
  • suknat  (13876 strokes)
  • Kino  (11151 strokes)
  • the.wanderer  (10321 strokes)
  • K-Chich  (6009 strokes)
  • ShadowS1ay3r  (4555 strokes)
  • Czan  (4164 strokes)
  • Hatch  (2324 strokes)
  • pandaMan  (2169 strokes)
  • Kaeru  (2065 strokes)