Angie and Kyler~
The love we feel. Is what we get when you mix us together. You hold and kiss me as I hug and squeeze you. Love is the feel we show. And because of this..... Because of this feeling... This feeling we share... We make it.~ Poem by Jorgie. Charies by WisdomPeace and Barkaghm. <3 I love you all. shitshitshitshitshitfuck
- JorgieKitty (26087 strokes)
- HannerrNan (16321 strokes)
- WisdomPeace (10505 strokes)
- Shade123 (3118 strokes)
- Masterwolf (2384 strokes)
- Barkaghm (1761 strokes)
- Mariospyro (77 strokes)