Book cover-Half souled hero's
This is the cover of a book im writing based off erin hunters warrior cat series. Exept m ines totally diffrent and in my opinion far better than erin hunters XDDDD http://flickerstripe.deviantart.com/ dat is de link to my DA site where im posting the whole storie. Half souled hero's, is actually based of an rp site that i was on for just under a year. Its my main characters life storie, and most of the storie wasn't actually rped on the site. XD the main idea's complicated but basically its about this cat, named flickerstripe ( MEH XD ) and her struggles through life, she has no real parents, and was raised by a......O-O *points to the freaky smoke cat on the cover thats grinning dementedly at you.* THAT and she doesnt really get the idea thatt the world isn't as freindly as it seems. Shes totally inocent and cute lol XD anywayyyys hope ya like it ^^
- Flickering (50297 strokes)
- CLDragon (291 strokes)