Deceased Pets

This is a picture in loving memory of our pets who have passed away and moved on to the rainbow bridge. Sparky the poodle (bottom/right/middle) Die saving her loving owner from a car. She was brave and heroic. Beefcakes the fish (bottom/left/middle) died from over eating. Otis the kitten's (far left) death is unknown Woggles the cat (fer right) died from a car, to save her kittens. The mother to seven kittens did yesterday. Finally, Jessie (top/middle) died in 2008 of a speeding car. She was rushed to the APL, but it was too late. She had stopped breathing. SDhe will never be forgotten. These pets were so dear, so close to us. It was oh so hard to let them go, but they can't stay forever, and one day, we will all meet again... Over the Rainbow Bridge. RIP

  • loaf  (23151 strokes)
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  • smile342  (221 strokes)