FF VI: The Source of Good and Evil.
A Final Fantasy VI (=6) pic made by Nintenmani The title explains that the Main character can either choose to be on the good side or the bad side to make them achieve their goal, since she has powers beyond Mankind's knowledge. A pic representing Terra (Middle) Main Character Locke (Right) Second Main Kefka (Left) Main Villain
- Nintenmani (239934 strokes)
- Seanbp (7181 strokes)
- smf520 (5502 strokes)
- L-M-F (2888 strokes)
- Jenneliz (1407 strokes)
- HandsMagic (802 strokes)
- Xic-chan (653 strokes)
- Surfgirl10 (600 strokes)
- PROFESSAH (73 strokes)