Blue Family

LOL. Has anyone ever seen so much blue ppl in one Place? No? Well there always has to be a first time. Introducing the little blue family! Drawn by mariel (kuzu-chan) and Cleo (cleoleinsche) 1,2,5,6 & cat by cleo ; 3 & 4 by mariel (l. to r.)

  • cleoleinsche  (90178 strokes)
  • kuzu-chan  (72325 strokes)
  • Haruna  (63815 strokes)
  • Voldes-Kitty  (28474 strokes)
  • Heathcliff  (19822 strokes)
  • Flyra  (6574 strokes)
  • cookieXD  (1845 strokes)
  • trisomy  (1045 strokes)