Setsuna's Moving Castle

Tori had us all choose BGM theme songs for our Kingdom Tophat characters, and I chose the Howl's Moving Castle theme song for Setsuna Noir. It's so preeeetty. <33333 And thus, this was born. At first he was going to be dancing with Bubbli cause I dunno, the other girls were too young, even though the dance wasn't meant to be romantic. Then Tori suggested he danced with Toricat. And I was going to draw that, but Toricat is kind of 4 inches tall, and that would have looked too silly for the elegant sound of the music. So Plant volunteered to dance with Setsuna, so that's how this was born. Andie helped me with the pretty sky. <33333333333

  • TeamKarasu  (90388 strokes)
  • IndiArtist  (16604 strokes)
  • Cloudpanix  (1885 strokes)