unlikely playmates

two very unique creatures scanned the reef, looking for a new plaything or perhaps a meal when they spotted each other they cautiously swam closer and closer. The Crocotiel is a gentle and playful species, they spend most of their time is shallow tropical reefs where they graze on various aquatic plants and dine on the native species of fish. Few have ever been raised in captivity,and one inquiry from a zoologist noted that they particularly enjoyed pineapples

  • Bluemo  (137234 strokes)
  • akegata  (75909 strokes)
  • CherryBox  (20639 strokes)
  • Thraxykins  (12334 strokes)
  • southshooter  (5993 strokes)
  • HushPuppy  (5713 strokes)
  • Bickett  (4276 strokes)
  • cookietheif  (1419 strokes)
  • OoLuxoO  (34 strokes)