I'm There For You

After months of earching for her mother, Gunner finally finds herself in the Australian outback, where she was born. Not too long after despirately searching for food and water, a handsome young dingo by the name of Eithan found her wondering aimlessly and chose to stick with her, even if Gunner demanded to be left alone. It suddenly grew very dark and a storm was approaching, and the two find refuge inside a narrow cavern beneath a huge mound of hard sand. Little does Eithan know that Gunner is slightly nervous of severe thunderstorms, and little does he know that no one has ever figured out any of her weaknesses, if you could call it that.// Eithan (C) Weespah, Gunner (C) Me (MayaHughes/Pecario)

  • MayaHughes  (345781 strokes)
  • Weespah  (248911 strokes)