Get well soon Abby <3

i know you have alot on your mind and you being sick isn't helping. So I tried to gather as much friends available since i understand most of them got lives or are just busy <3 but they do care...and the end its about quality not quantity. We love you all so very much (though not as much as I do) so here is a little sumn sumn to let you know were thinking of you...I love you baby...voor altijd :D<3 also you get a special prizeeeee if you find the floating fruit and name them (; Thanks for all the contributors <3 you all are sweet for giving me a bit of your time (: and thanks for all the people who couldnt draw but still show compassion (:

  • DarkGenic  (100461 strokes)
  • JawKnee  (9547 strokes)
  • Luk  (8990 strokes)
  • chailoe  (3799 strokes)
  • Joya  (3251 strokes)
  • evn  (1694 strokes)
  • scimmia  (101 strokes)