"There are 500 ninjas hiding in the picture. GOtta find 'Em all"
lol 6 am really does shit to you. Eh, here yougo for your viewing pleasure or displeasure, I was trying to practice on coloring and lighting. My opinion I think it's not that good, but the other people in the board think it's good,. I'll go with that. If you have any types, I would love to hear them.
- Edrux (167459 strokes)
- inuinuneko (41503 strokes)
- soomni (32071 strokes)
- JulzFromHell (31645 strokes)
- Nanxaimer (31328 strokes)
- paigery (29753 strokes)
- Hosaki (25602 strokes)
- Irishpride (24975 strokes)
- KGirl (20776 strokes)
- Brohemoth (18616 strokes)
- Naumkan (12443 strokes)
- Snikki (11407 strokes)
- Ticklish (7355 strokes)
- MrGrumpykins (3637 strokes)
- bloovaz (550 strokes)
- Maget (170 strokes)
- Tonyathefox (35 strokes)
- douchefasa (32 strokes)
- ke (1 strokes)