CHEESY TITLE. Drowzee: Magnificently colored Vaporeon Jamdrop: Colored amazingly Leafeon and Umbreon. Spinda: Beautifully drawn and colored Glaceon and Espeon Ezz: Artistically colored and linearted Jolteon! Aita.mii:[IMNOTTRYINGTOBRAG] Linearted = Vaporeon, leafeon, flareon, umbreon and eevee. Colored = Flareon and Eevee. Sketched out Jolteon for Ezz C: This is what iScribble needs more C:! Team work!!
- aita.mii (102871 strokes)
- wikimon (53555 strokes)
- xdark-deathx (38589 strokes)
- jamdrop (35642 strokes)
- Drowzee (11753 strokes)
- kaitlin177 (9 strokes)