Prince of Persia: Mirror

The new prince of Persia. I called it mirror because I put the gauntlet on his wrong hand -sobs- This game is what pushed me to be a concept artist, and so I feel the need to draw him. Next time I won't overdo it on the lbur tool.

  • Anodesu  (305682 strokes)
  • Xamai  (80437 strokes)
  • Jikilamed  (43390 strokes)
  • Eshkenazi  (22478 strokes)
  • supermoesy  (20793 strokes)
  • Torrent  (13642 strokes)
  • kuroonningen  (12810 strokes)
  • PuzzlePie  (7549 strokes)
  • Seraph.Dylan  (3012 strokes)
  • aerocoryn  (743 strokes)
  • Yochevi  (33 strokes)