Clash between Melee and Bawl!!! (This whole thing stared out as just some random doodling fun so there are a lot of people listed who didn't actualy participate in the drawing of Lucario and Mewtwo. TwiNight and Lollergator were actualy the ones to draw these two, all the other people listed are from doodle RPs earlier. We hadn't known we be creating something we thought was worthy to be published when we first started so we hadn't cleared the boared. It was only until AFTER we were nearly done that the thought to clear had even occured to us but by then we didn't want to undo all the work we'd already put into it.)

  • MissyZero  (138789 strokes)
  • SkyTheArtist  (113627 strokes)
  • Lollergator  (58497 strokes)
  • TwiNight  (54750 strokes)
  • LaylaLight  (26340 strokes)
  • UushiBushii  (12537 strokes)