iLove these people

awweee cutttee!!!~:3 from left to right: Ziggy, myke, andreww, fly(up), Combi (middle), Lina (down), concept, amayaa(up), sayoka (with a huge durain on his back) & TD (middle), Saphy (down) , jimi, Buzz, System- yooni and wee (up to down) , genic(ME!) and spes, Ilse and Cippy!!!!!!!!!! RAWR Sorry if I forgot people D: And ofcourse mistah iScribble!!! :3

  • DarkGenic  (20174 strokes)
  • Amaya.Kazumi  (15615 strokes)
  • andreewww  (11168 strokes)
  • TD103  (9322 strokes)
  • Klampdon  (6491 strokes)
  • splat  (3179 strokes)
  • buzhide  (1440 strokes)
  • Emmi  (454 strokes)
  • fly  (355 strokes)
  • drawingnaked  (312 strokes)
  • xcrazyboy12  (167 strokes)
  • Saphy  (140 strokes)
  • DireWolfen  (1 strokes)