"I occupy your vacancy" ~ Chan

"I occupy your vacancy- the one in your mind. The blank space that plagues you, that's where I linger. My photo is there, on the white of your wall- forever burned into the depth of your soul." Chan is awesome. Chan is (c) Me, CriminalMind. I luffles her. >u<

  • CriminalMind  (200542 strokes)
  • littleyorkie  (38608 strokes)
  • Aku  (27878 strokes)
  • Wolf103  (9060 strokes)
  • Hixale  (2557 strokes)
  • battleoflife  (401 strokes)
  • Chimerara  (282 strokes)
  • MidoriKa  (42 strokes)
  • Dippity  (10 strokes)