
We were doing an RP but after we got a certain hat back from a certain evil giant robot, caught ourselves all on fire, fast forwarded to the next week and then regretted the previous week, we got bored of it. So I wanted to publish it. ^^

  • UmberGlow  (91148 strokes)
  • Aced  (70936 strokes)
  • Sugarz  (19277 strokes)
  • canada-kun  (15549 strokes)
  • tallestzena  (7435 strokes)
  • Raaain  (3847 strokes)
  • ArtZombie  (2952 strokes)
  • totem  (1660 strokes)
  • Trent106  (78 strokes)
  • Pipling  (59 strokes)
  • neodragon57  (45 strokes)