They see me trollin', the ladies cannot resist.

Homestuck girls Jade Harley and Rose Lalonde, homestuck trollguys aT and cG. Who knew they fit so well togehter? Also, misc. doodles.

  • Asmodez  (137431 strokes)
  • Gammy  (121517 strokes)
  • LordFury  (96738 strokes)
  • AngryCandies  (61509 strokes)
  • zillydeviant  (29483 strokes)
  • TheWaffles  (14698 strokes)
  • Kalias  (9724 strokes)
  • Yoshi334  (8884 strokes)
  • Fambure  (1558 strokes)
  • MysteriousQ  (748 strokes)