Tofh the Haunter ref
Tofh the Haunter (hank548 ) can change his eye color when he has/does different moods/actions and they are as followed: dark red-normal, dark blue-tired, dark green-disoriented (or drunk), purple-psychic (tofh is a special haunter, being part psychic), red-mad, yellow-inspired, orange-in a trans/possessed, light blue-happy, dark blue-sad, light green-sick, black-hiding/sneaky, white-asleep (he opens his eyes when he sleeps sometimes, and if you look into his white, sleeping eyes, you will be sucked into a trans), glowing yellow-giving a light source, dark sickly green-fed up, pink-love, grey-usually while he's holding his sword. he also has retractable claws/teeth (see right image) that when he retracts, turn back to normal (see left image). he also has a sword that he uses frequently and thinks dearly of (another one of tofh's traits are swordfighting). and he also has a floating bandana (dubbed the epic bandana) that does not exist in reality. if you mention it to him ("hey, where'd that bandana come from?" ), he will simply deny it's existance and it will disappear ("what bandana?" ).
- hank548 (71922 strokes)
- infernape325 (51539 strokes)
- Itimmy (6584 strokes)