In The Garden Lies...
In the garden lies.... A bunch of flowers (and a bee!) Hear that sizzling sound?? Its from everyones' eyes boiling!!!! Many were lost in this time of pixeling, but we will never forget them. The ones who have made it through have a few comments to say. Dewspots (Kawa62091): She blinks then yawns. "I'm exhausted, going crazy, and I might pass out soon! But I'm glad this has been done!" :D She gives a thumbs up. SarahDHaynes: She screams and runs around, her hands to her eyes. "MY EYES MY EYES!" She stops. "But its done!" And to all the other awesome people that survived but weren't online when this pixel was published... thank you all! :D Enjoy!
- DnAPanda (171151 strokes)
- SarahDHaynes (96503 strokes)
- Kawara (44505 strokes)
- Lydia813 (31573 strokes)
- dothhannah (20690 strokes)
- AmmaOkami (20591 strokes)
- CatchingFire (12524 strokes)
- Shaily (11958 strokes)
- anim3 (9326 strokes)
- DaPakman (8900 strokes)
- Naoii (8749 strokes)
- mokazon (4589 strokes)
- OhFudge (3882 strokes)
- metalSin (3873 strokes)
- bansens02 (2728 strokes)
- MagicalChan (1290 strokes)
- Ikas16 (1157 strokes)
- Rovio (451 strokes)
- PandaPuff (365 strokes)
- Posea (146 strokes)
- Hamkitty (105 strokes)
- Goten (77 strokes)
- Amy-paarden (51 strokes)
- AlphaDera (29 strokes)
- mocoa (18 strokes)
- Bella123 (11 strokes)