Lotis <3

Hes my OC, (c) to me, Elizabeth. If I catch you stealing, I will fuck you up. And I'm dead serious. Name: Lotis Spaw Age: A young looking wolf, but with an old heart, soul, and mind. Around 5-8 years old. Gender: Male. Love connections: Lex, a wolf, (c) to LexieEva, Or A.K.A. Lobby. Origin: He was born in Australia, but, as soon as he was born, his mother died of illness, so he was raised by his father. As Lotis got older, he began exploring the world, expanding his territory. He met Lex in his search around the Europeans. He and Lex grew a strong bond and love for eachtoher and soon had two pups, a boy and girl. When him and Lex both broke up for the first time, He traveled back to Australia as long as taking his pups. There, he met his long time friend, Luna. She offered to care for the pups for him, But, They soon took it to the next step, being in a relationship. Although Lotis had no romantic love for her, she did for him. a year had passed since he had last seen Lex. The pups were old enough to recognize faces, voices, they were even old enough to help hunt small prey. Lotis and his "new" family traveled back to Ireland, A smallish area of it where Wolves roamed freely. When he came back, He found Lex there. She was amazed that he had come back. But when they met once again, The pups didn't remember her. Lex was upset that they were calling this stranger, Luna, their "Mama". She blamed Lotis. But, Lotis was even more upset when he found out she was with Shadow now, The wolf that always tried to challenge him for Lex's love. As Lotis started warming up to the place as he did before, Him and Lex did too. They soon fell in love again. But, Since Shadow had mind manipuation powers, Lex was being disturbed by him. Soon, Lotis and Shadow got into a brawl. Of course, With Lotis being a big, bulky male and Shadow a smaller male wolf, Lotis had overpowered him. Even though Lotis tried, He could not defeat Shadow. So, Instead, He made sure that Lex and himself and the pups were as far away from him as possible.

  • ToxicWaste  (100140 strokes)
  • KrisOlarte1  (2959 strokes)