The Gatherer

It's a dangerous job but somebody's got to do it. Pen tool only (Edit by claire : Morbid did 98,2%, and that s totally true) That's totally false! He knows it's true but he s too nice (erm today) to admit it ! Claire is off her medication again. She's making up stories and talking crazy talk! It was supposed to be a secre... I mean NOooo!! you invented that !you are so evil, i just want to be nice and you laught at me (cries) Claire is trying to use reverse psychology! Don't believe her! Of course, follow mister morbid the "art machine" and let me alone, i don t care anymore, morbid won... (sob) I'm not a machine! I have feelings too, you know! Feelings! FEELINGS!!! *runs away crying* And WHO use reverse psychologies ??you just say that to have tons of hugs from iscribble's girls! Perv !

  • MorbidChylde  (20840 strokes)
  • claire  (17050 strokes)