THE TUNE: http://www.imeem.com/piashantee/music/Y85FpCC6/destinys_child_dangerously_in_love/ THE VID: http://www.mtcanvas.com/iscribble/?&id=47205&speed=50&size=1 THE REASON: This is dedicated to my 360 friends Mina (Aphrodite) and Liz (Queen). They know why. "Tut kolumdan çek götür beni, Hüüüp diye içine çek beni."! Excerpt from Dracula by Bram Stoker: Dracula: I love you too much to condemn you. Mina: I want to be what you are. See what you see - love what you love. Dracula: Mina, to walk with me you must die to your breathing life and be reborn to mine. Mina: You are my love... and my life... always... Dracula: Then... I give you life eternal. Everlasting love. The power of the storm. And the beasts of the earth. Walk with me... to be my loving wife... forever. Mina: I love you! Oh, God forgive me, I do! THE REFERENCE: http://www.skinwalkers.com/downloads/wallpapers/images/wp1_1600x1200.jpg

  • PiaShantee  (159213 strokes)