Happy Birthday Claire! We present to you a pair of "Brick Pants" able to withstand the winds of wolves and "Skull Bracelet Charm of Dead Artist" so that you may never experience a artist block from now till the end of Time. Forever Magic!
- UUGR3 (102050 strokes)
- Meryl (6695 strokes)
- Book (5407 strokes)
- MeSh (5206 strokes)
- unHalo (4102 strokes)
- C0mBineD (3800 strokes)
- drums. (2864 strokes)
- pacific (2851 strokes)
- flazid (2306 strokes)
- Neko-Shippo (2104 strokes)
- Non (1156 strokes)
- evn (1080 strokes)
- Precipice (837 strokes)
- crimz (792 strokes)
- Sketchpad (718 strokes)
- obis (376 strokes)
- Line (238 strokes)
- Svenhilde (63 strokes)