Blood under a starless night

Umm... ye this was an msn convo to go with the pic: Cypher: I thought yoou cared about us! :'( Blaze: you don't like us do you. You neer really did, didn't you. me: NOO!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! Dragon just hates you all Dragon: Oh yeah, right, Blame the guy with the long fangs and the wings and the Whip-likke tail. JEEZ that makes me feel SO wanted *Cypher: woah, sarcasm alert *Dragon: Oh SHUT UP you. You get to be the BIG HERO and I'm the EVIL SHADOW. THANKS A BUNCH ASH! that's right CALLED YOU ASH! Blaze: oh no he Di-in't Dragon: That's right, I went there! Dragon: IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR!!!!!!! *Cypher: STRIKE LAZER CLAW!!!!! me: Shadow uses Mirror Shield. Mirror Shield reflected Dragon's Lazor. It was super effective - Dragon Fainted. Dragon: oh $#!@ Blaze: IMMA KEEL IT WITH FAYAAAAAH!!!! *Cypher: BURNED!!!! Me: That's right Drago - you just got owned! PWNED N00B!!!!! *HELLZ YEAH!!!!!! me: hi-fives all round! :3 Just for clarification. Cypher is the black dragon looking wolf. He's currently possessed by the monster, Dragon. Blaze is the red wolf. They are all from a comic called Feral Fangs, created by me.

  • ShadoWolfozo  (56914 strokes)