Wrong Paths

It's strange how one road in life can lead to another. Paths you didn't even know existed can suddenly become your only choice, taking you to places you didn't want to go, on trails you didn't want to follow. In any other situation we might have become friends, but not here and, definitely not now… …Just another wrong path I’ve found. ------------ Random words to go with a random picture, don’t know who’s supposed to be saying it, I’ll let you decide. The guy at the back is Attonbitus (not his final name but it’ll do here, it’s lighting storm in latten I believe, you can guess why he’s called that) was done my me (Elemental) as was the background. The guy at the front is Falcore and was done by Middy. (He’s either Earth/light or Earth/dark I’m not sure) Wonder what will happen next…

  • Elemental  (48033 strokes)
  • Middy  (23065 strokes)