Fan Trolls
Aretha Farren : A young female troll with a very shy and peaceful personality. It doesn't take much to amuse her at times, and she hates fighting. Overall, she's an optamistic troll, but can have her negative, down times. She tries to avoid Karkat and any other angry trolls like him because they intimidate her and make her unhappy. But just as well as she has her happy and nice shy, she has her angry side as well. Certain things can tick her off in a flash, and a troll needs to choose his or her words carefully when she's in that sort of mood. Her typing quirk is to Type To Where She !s Understood Very Correctly But !nverts Her !s. Kauzig Obscur : A young male troll with a very irritant and bland personality. He doesn't like to interract with anyone often, being very antisocial, and anytime he is with other trolls, he seems very socially awkward. Due to his mutation, he tries not to have physical interaction. He prefers to speak through messaging devices rather than in person in fear that his little secret will get out. His persnality is simliar to that of Karkat's, but not as extreme on the anger and rage portion. His typing quirk is to Type norm@lly be$ide$ repl@cing @ few e%ception@l letter$.