Trouble Makers

Well I have no idea how Cookie got there. Mebbe he wants a cookie really bad Theres Pepper, whom i havent drawn in a while. Lurv how she came out Then there is the ringleader, the brown raccoon. Tell me who he is and who he belongs to and I'll give you a request C: I'll post OC owner and copyright when its guessed C: Hints: We first saw him coming out of a TV His name begins with a T Part of the Owners name is in here C: Drawn in Iscribble in the early morning. Cookie (c) to Sykeohvirus Pepper and Art (c) to me, SilverRaccoon/ Wings Brown Raccoon (c) to respectful owner Cx

  • kingdeer  (97140 strokes)
  • lady-maaka  (10509 strokes)
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  • Emzillah  (490 strokes)