Sulic, the Falconer
Born and raised in a small town, Sulic Halding ever appreciates an escape from the bustling city that he currently calls home. After all, Sulic never looked to be a city boy, despite the social butterfly that he certainly is. The young man slips away to the fields outside of the city walls, his dear companion perched patiently on his glove. It would be a rare sight, indeed, for Sulic to be caught without his Barn Owl. Likewise, it would be hard for the bird to see his master go off without him, even if the man was perhaps too often overexcitable, or too chipper. The duo were, quite simply, inseparable. He looks about cheerily, enjoying the solitude and earthliness of the meadow. Once adequately at peace, Sulic untethers his loyal bird's leash, extending his arm with an outcry of, "Fly, Kaleb! Fly free!" ((Also, feedback and critique is extraordinarily welcome! I work with a mouse, since I can't afford a tablet. I'm also quite new to drawing people! They're quite difficult to master, but I'm happy to be improving, and to participate in this competition. I was excited to draw Sulic for this piece, since he's been a character close to my heart for a very long time. If you're curious, his name is inspired from Luca Sulic from the quite admirable 2CELLOS.)) [keywords:Competition 2012 Topic Character (Single)]
- Everybody (244271 strokes)