Enjoyable picnic ~ Pure and fresh.

well... yes, this is OUR collaboration picture. we tried to put in as much effort as possible. as you can see, three OCs are sitting down enjoying a picnic, while another is reading a book, likely to join later. they are full of oxygen! just look at that tree, and it's "roots". the star in the sky is probably going to show luck, be happy for it! oh, and the birdbath..... it's very lovely :D! if anyone could be in it, they would pick some fruit on the tree, no? come on, apple's, peaches, mango's... enjoyable. <3 other than that... enjoy!!!! [keywords:Competition 2012 Topic Character (Collab)]

  • lillymango1  (51796 strokes)
  • CereCere  (44803 strokes)
  • symphonyb  (9259 strokes)
  • kempo  (9039 strokes)