There once was a girl afraid of night
...who'd only be guided by paths in light it's very late and she wondered away to spite her mom who said her fear shouldn't stay she didn't dare stray from illuminated places where suddenly she encountered lamps with faces thoroughly started, she stumbled into the road and meets a strange alien who obeys green-go the way his eyes glow resembled a car's head an aloof fox's life was the one he led when he fled, the city became dark the girl panicked and swore she heard a bark what was really sounded was a growl from shadow dwelling lions on the prowl cornered in an alley, she cries and pleas "Let these things not be real, what I think I see!" they were very much there, and seeking prey then the shy alien intervened to drive them away. Narritive inspired by the fun fact that lions are responsible for human's fears of the the dark; from formally eating our primitive ancestors alive at night. http://www.science20.com/anthrophysis/blog/are_lions_responsible_our_fear_dark-82231 [keywords:Competition 2012 Topic Character (Single)]
- willthebeast (301590 strokes)