The tale of poopstripe and the leaders

One day, poopstripe was licking his poopstripes, when all of a sudden The Immortal DeathStar appeard out of no where and killed him. (Eating poop's poop). BloodStar began to mourn for the lost warrior. "POOPSTRIPE! WHY!" He yowled, and in reply, DeathStar shook his long glossy, extra bounce fur and smiled. "Because i'm worth it. Loeal!"

  • Grimoires  (43590 strokes)
  • smudge968  (8481 strokes)
  • m0o3  (4787 strokes)
  • rainwolfdog  (1464 strokes)
  • rubyruh  (1363 strokes)
  • maya5435  (180 strokes)
  • WiivaKoodi  (1 strokes)