Amana Zusammen

This is Amana Zusammen, the hope dragon. They may look like a griffon, though everything you see on it is symbolic. It has the wings of an angel. The cracks in it's horns show the battles it is willing to go through for you. The coloured spots on its back, showing all colours look great. The heart on a necklace showing someone wearing their heart on their sleeve. The cross on the horn showing God is there, if you want him to be. The galaxy on it's tail showing love stretches forever. The claws, fighting for you. The gears, showing that it will all work out eventually. And last of all, the collar. You are NOT alone.

  • Treetail  (57906 strokes)
  • Rain2105  (56778 strokes)
  • ellimeme3  (32229 strokes)