Don't Miss Your Moment...

Shenkei Speaking: Celain, I understand that you love Azazel, I truly do. But, he won't be easy to get to. He opened his heart once and was hurt, which closed him off. I understand you'll wait for however long you must... Just... don't wait too long, okay? Don't let what happened to me get you. If only I hadn't waited, hadn't missed my moment, Alice may still be here... Oh, Alice... So, characters. The orange wolf on the left is Alice, who Shenkei was speaking of. She belongs to the amazing Elementalsky. The other three, from left to right, are Shenkei, Azazel, and Celain. The background was a pain, so this is how it ended up.

  • Kiari  (290246 strokes)
  • Paint.  (174730 strokes)