Talking Fish

CatKasaitaro: duuuuude what if theres a world in which we walk on two legs instead of these furry feet and paws? and we would have these HUGE contructs made out of shiny stuff and have the abilities to advance technology?! im getting sick of these boring landscapes BunnyKohei: What if we are created by that technology in that alternate universe? o_o CatKasaitaro: What if they want to be us? :O

  • kasaitaro  (110118 strokes)
  • chimuru  (90580 strokes)
  • Neko96  (8061 strokes)
  • littlefevil  (4998 strokes)
  • bloodsister6  (464 strokes)
  • aprilz81  (383 strokes)
  • KittyKatx3  (54 strokes)