Alice in Wonderland
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Alice. She left home to seek the greener plains of the world, moving forth with her best friend, Marisa. However, Gensoukyou was never the place to be, and thus she was stuck in a world, where her best friend is nothing more than a whore to it's supreme Führer, Hakurei Reimu. Disappointed and broken, Alice took forth towards the Mystical Forests and took up residence within its quiet compounds. All that's left of Alice's life is the faint memory of one's past within a story book. Good night, sweet princess of Makai. I have to provide a true quality upload, because iScribble saves things in JEPG extensions, thus reducing the quality of work. This brings forth a difference between in gallery pictures and in iScribble pictures. http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff309/Nyaruato/Alice_zps0fa97257.png~original
- Nyarurato (160372 strokes)