The Three Monks

Three coats. Dai, blue coats. Is always nice and likable. Sometimes does questionable decisions. Ruk, red coats. Tries to do the right thing for the sake of the people. Seems cold and dislikable. Sil, green coats. doesn't seem to affect anything much and is quiet but he acts independetly having a wide overview over the proceedings and would support Ruk's view. Though not his articulation. MartinCi, a0-, Tavvi

  • a0  (98336 strokes)
  • JanetAA  (89699 strokes)
  • Tavvi  (45455 strokes)
  • MartinCi  (41640 strokes)
  • Kdsw  (18189 strokes)
  • artisttsitra  (14041 strokes)
  • LauriAJ  (163 strokes)
  • tsayal  (120 strokes)