Where R The Angels Now?

“It’s over —it’s gone— the world is coming to an end…”Anna opened her eyes, head throbbing at the memory. Her mind tugged at the edges trying to unfold what exactly had happened. She remembered hearing the blasts, then the radio, and then panic struck; absolute chaos. She pushed at her temples with her palms, trying to suppress the memory. She was face down, tracing the ground with her fingers - finding the familiar, wet cobblestone of Alicante. She pushed herself up, heavy and soaked from the rain, cutting her hands across the brick buildings as she tried pry herself from the darkness. Where had everyone gone? Last she remembered, the streets were full of people, either trying to find family or a way out. “The square...” Anna whispered, running down the old city streets. All roads led to the square. If there was anyone left, they would have gathered there. Her feet led her through the narrow, winding pathways she knew by heart, her mind swimming with questions. What, exactly, was going on? Why was she in the alleyway, alone? Who had attacked the city? How could they even get through the defences? How did they even know Alicante existed, unless...? Anna’s feet halted as she entered the empty city square. The moonlight shone through, now visible as she grew farther away from the city’s taller buildings. The downpour grew heavier, creating a dense fog over the square. Anna squinted, searching for a sign of any life, when something caught her eye. Barely cutting through the fog was the statue from which the square was named - but somehow, it was different. She slowly stepped forward, examining the age-old statue of The Angel, then stumbled back, surprised. She looked up at it, made in the image of their maker, blinking back the downpour as it clouded her vision. It was cracked in many places, eroded too. Many pieces were completely broken off, and a gas mask found its way over the statues face; both obviously from whatever attack or rebellion had taken place. The statue was perfect before, not a single scratch had grazed its marble. Anna’s eyes filled with rainwater, forcing her to looked at her feet. After rubbing it away, she peered straight ahead at the base of the statue. Words she had never seen before, scrawled in red spray paint across the statue. The rain was washing it away, making it look more like blood than graffiti. “Where are the angels now?” she whispered, running her hands over the words as she spoke them. “Certainly not here.” The words startled her, crackling from the darkness, and forced her to spin around, searching for the source of the voice. Anna could see the glint of glowing eyes through the fog. She reached for her blade, only to find her belt was empty. Her weapons were gone. The cackling laughter grew louder, closer. “Damn it.” [keywords:Competition 2014 Individual Competition]

  • Skylaire  (178043 strokes)