Sibling Rivalry is dead.
"Seen anything yet, Little Sister?" "Not yet, Big Brother". "Keep up the good work". ___ Now that you are 7 years of age, welcome to the ranks of Little Brothers and Little Sisters! Here are the chores you will be following until you turn 11, after which YOU become a Big brother or Big sister. 1. You're important to your sibling team! Your chores help keep them alive and theirs will help keep you alive. Never try and do someone elses chores, and always listen to your big brother and big sister, they know best. If they say run, do so. If they say hide, do so. Never question them, never argue. They've already made it through their little sibling years, now it's your turn. 2. Little sisters; you have the best eyes so your chore is to take care of the dust light. This is a spinning ball with different lights to react to different types of coloured dust. It runs on batteries so keep extras on you at all times. As you know, coloured dust is dangerous to us all, if even one of you gets infected we might all die. Keep your eyes open! If you see a red, yellow or blue glittering in the air say so right away, and stay out of fights at all costs. We cannot afford to lose the Dust light! 3. Little brothers; your ears are the best out of all of us, you are the look-out and keeper of light. It is your chore to keep your flashlight going at all times and always have extra batteries on hand. Without you we wouldn't be able to fight back! If you meet an enemy try and stay out of the fight as much as possible. Join your little sister and keep her safe. 4. Yes, you will be armed, but only for self defence. Your big sister and brother will do everything they can to make sure you can safely get out, trust them as they trust you. Trust your brother to fight for you and your sister to gather supplies. If all goes well you will grow up to be a big sister or brother, and they will become honorable adults. They can't do this without you, and you can't do this without them. Lastly; Remember our motto. "Don't be a hero, be a guardian". [keywords:Competition 2014 Individual Competition]
- Porkydoll (686408 strokes)