If this is to end in fire, then we should all burn together...

'And if the night is burning I will cover my eyes For if the dark returns Then my brothers will die And as the sky is falling down It crashed into this lonely town And with that shadow upon the ground I hear my people screaming out' - Ed Sheeran I See Fire You awake with a jolt, gasping in lungfuls of the arid, burning, sulphurous air. You writhe for a moment, flailing wildly as you try to get some basic control of your body. Though sheer panic-driven desperate determination you manage to shakily sit up. Only to see the end. The world ablaze, choking in smoke and fumes. You blink rapidly trying to convince yourself that it's not real. But it is. You hear a noise and turn, You freeze, a huge beast, dracoic in appearance stalks towards you. Your heart feels like its about to jump out of your chest as the monster opens it's great maw. "you've been asleep for a long time haven't you" it sneers deep gravelly voice grating at your ears, it's facial features twist into a mockery of a smile, "A lot has changed hasn't it?" [keywords:Competition 2014 Individual Competition]

  • dragonmania  (275920 strokes)