It is dark. Radio buzzes. "-it's over-" I can barely make sense of what the voice is saying. "-it's gone-" The radio loses it's signal. "Ah come on!" Someone is going through the radio channels. Bzzzz. Finally the radio is showing some signs of life. I try to concentrate on the voice. Makes my head spin. "--the world is coming to an end..." The voice goes quiet. A snort. Someone is slurping on a drink. I slowly open my eyes. Everything's hazy. "Folks are getting so damn pessimistic.. Don't you think so too?" Slowly I start to make sense of my surroundings. A man is looking at me. He smiles. "Hungry? Don't worry, mate" He bites his burger. "I've got one for you too" [keywords:Competition 2014 Individual Competition]
- Plussapallo (474454 strokes)