A Moment to Ponder

I drew SK22107's character 03 as a Galahawk. =D According to him, when he cries blood, he's trying to heal himself. It appears as if he's just come out of something big... Either that or he's sad he can't go up to the light. Poor Zero and his higher forms are apparently bound to the earth, and unable to to truly die, so he's doomed to suffer his past pains for all eternity. SK helped with the outline and design.

  • Galahawk  (82261 strokes)
  • Klashkrool  (36621 strokes)
  • Ceata99  (32656 strokes)
  • SK22107  (32065 strokes)
  • Stormcannon1  (9166 strokes)
  • eravacre  (5827 strokes)
  • TwiliApple  (4126 strokes)
  • kirbical  (1653 strokes)
  • littlelerch  (291 strokes)
  • Channeh-chan  (203 strokes)