The Cup match in the match cup
The guardians of the match cup between the dimensions, have a paper boat race... ..who will be the winner?..;) produced by noisystar and anjushu co-producer: yooniwut and cocao-milk (sorry yallo... your girl had a date in another dimension...;)..)
- AnJuShu (376541 strokes)
- noisystar (103522 strokes)
- Bluemo (33922 strokes)
- yallo (24171 strokes)
- Rinaruru (15619 strokes)
- yooniwut (12955 strokes)
- Cocao-Milk (10253 strokes)
- Meryl (8423 strokes)
- dangoluv (764 strokes)
- BigBlack (631 strokes)
- SmART (162 strokes)
- pyromaniiac (43 strokes)
- Blenus (19 strokes)
- Secrets (15 strokes)